Innovative Products for You

Products for metal building panels, gardening, and other pursuits. (817)939-5671 Haslet, Texas


Our Products

The patented Haslet frames are designed to make it easier to install exhaust fans, vents, windows, and doors into metal buildings with ridged panels. The frames are made from hybrid materials including high-density EPS (extruded polystyrene) filler with face sheets of exterior grade lumber to last a lifetime. The contact surface is contoured to match the outline of common building sidings, filling the valleys and gaps created by the ridges of the siding. This close fit creates a better structural assembly, reduces water leaks and drafts, decreases the chance of vermin and insect invasion, and gives a flat surface for easier installation of exhaust fans, windows, or doors.
For a quick video about our products, go to:

Also see our other products including custom vacuum/dust collection fittings, our Cedar Yoni Steam Box, and our Garden Mini-Heater that will protect your plants during freezing weather.

Haslet One-Piece Frame (shown before the cutout is made)


The HASLET ONE-PIECE FRAME is ready to paint and install right out of the box. It is for those customers who have not made the cutout yet (for an existing cutout, see our Haslet Frame Kit). The Haslet One-Piece Frame also serves as a useful marking guide: once you position it, mark the interior perimeter with a magic marker and cut along that line. Then install the frame creating a water-tight, flat surface for your exhaust fan, vent, or window installation.

The Haslet One-Piece Frame showing the faying (contact) surfaces. Available for R-panel, SM-Rib, Ag-Rig, U-Panel, Max-Rib, Tex-Rib and other patterns.


The HASLET FRAME KIT is for those cases where the cutout already exists or the cutout must be made in a very tight location. The kits have three pieces: the two horizontal pieces and a single, very wide vertical component. The installer uses the horizontal pieces as-is and merely trims them to the required length. The two vertical pieces are created by positioning the vertical component at the edge of the cutout to mark the rip line on each side. This creates a flush, tight-fitting frame. Technically, the Haslet Frame Kit will look just like the Haslet One-Piece Frame upon completion of the installation.
(If your building’s ridges run horizontally, the kit is still applicable, merely reverse the words horizontal and vertical in the description above.)

The Haslet Frame Kit, shown here during installation.


A view of a Haslet Frame Kit during installation.


The Haslet One-Piece Frame and Haslet Frame Kits are available for the interior side of the building patterns also.
These are useful for:
* Using both the usual exterior Haslet Frames with our interior Haslet Frames for cutouts to “sandwich” the metal building panels to create a very strong and wide penetration to support exhaust fans or other accessories.
* Some buildings are installed with “reverse formed” panels which are the panels with the usual orientation reversed - the interior side is actually the exterior side for these buildings. Our interior Haslet Frames will fit these buildings also.

Just email us, describing your requirements.

An interior-side vertical component for a Haslet Frame Kit.
R-panel, SM-Rib, Max-Rib, and U-panel patterns are all available.


An example of an interior-side Haslet Frame horizontal piece. Both Haslet One-Piece Frames and Haslet Frame Kits for the interior side are available.


Haslet Products fabricates custom accessories for metal buildings. Many customers order single components with specific dimensions that will nest into their building pattern to get a broad, flat surface to install large light fixtures, basketball hoops, bird houses, and other purposes that generally do not necessarily involve an actual cutout.
Just email us, describing your requirements.

A custom Haslet Foundation to create a broad, flat 2 x 3 ft area on a building with R-panel.


The Haslet Rooftop Cover makes installation of roof top air conditioning or roof top fans simple for a metal building with ridges. Merely tell us the outer dimensions of the platform and if you need any rectangular or circular cutout. The EPS filler will seal the ridges against leaks - even if water pools on your roof.